Ebook Free Culture's Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions and Organizations Across Nations
Culture's Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions And Organizations Across Nations . Eine Aufgabe könnte obligate Sie immer das Know - how zu verbessern sowie Begegnung. Wenn Sie keine genügend Zeit haben , es direkt zu verbessern, können Sie die Begegnung und auch Know - how aus der Lektüre Führung erhalten. Wie jeder versteht, ist Publikation Culture's Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions And Organizations Across Nations sehr beliebt , da das Fenster mit der ganzen Welt zu öffnen. Er schlägt vor , dass die Veröffentlichung Culture's Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions And Organizations Across Nations Check - out bieten Ihnen eine neue Art und Weise alles zu entdecken , die Sie benötigen. Als das Buch , das wir hier liefern werden, Culture's Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions And Organizations Across Nations
Culture's Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions and Organizations Across Nations
Ebook Free Culture's Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions and Organizations Across Nations
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"An important, sophisticated and complex monograph. . . . Both the theoretical analysis and the empirical findings constitute major contributions to cross-cultural value analysis and the cross-cultural study of work motivations and organizational dynamics. This book is also a valuable resource for anyone interested in a historical or anthropological approach to cross-cultural comparisons." --PERSONNEL PSYCHOLOGY
This update of the 1980 edition expands the exploration of culture-dependent differences in values and social action from 40 to some 50 nations; and using the IBM Attitude Survey Questionnaire, provides cross-disciplinary analyses of the factors of power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism and collectivism, sex/gender, long- vs. short-te
Alle Produktbeschreibungen
Gebundene Ausgabe: 616 Seiten
Verlag: SAGE Publications, Inc; Auflage: Second (1. Januar 2001)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 0803973233
ISBN-13: 978-0803973237
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
17,8 x 3,3 x 25,4 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
5.0 von 5 Sternen
2 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 523.074 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
sehr fundiertes buch - gut zu lesen - passt wie in der bildbeschreibung beschrieben - kann das buch nur weiterempfehlen - ist schwierig zu lesen aufgrund der fachbegriffe aber trotzdem sehr gut
Geert Hofstede has produced a book which is excellent reading for all those working with or having interest in different nationalities. To successfully get hetrogenous groups of people work well togehter takes a lifetime of experience, but with this book you can get a first help on the way and do not have to make the worst mistakes.The book is also amusing to read and you will learn new things even about your own nationality, or better, how it is seen with other people's eyes. Geert Hofstedes book will raise your motivation to learn more about your employees and makes it even more exciting to work with international organisations, in human resources, as senior manager, project manager or just as a normal employee.
The publication of the original edition of Hofstede's Culture's Consequences was, within the field of cross-cultural research, comparable to the work of Darwin in evolutionary theory. Now, with a second edition, practitioners and theorists alike have a rich quarry to mine for many years to come.The second addition notably adds references to a number of corroborating studies that have been collected over the more or less twenty years since the first edition. As an example, Appendix 6 contains references to well over 50 statistically linked research papers from other authors. The result is the collection in a single volume of a growing body of literature in the field, work that continues to define a kind of mental geography of culture.When I first come upon Hofstede's research in the 1980's I was immediately taken with the extraordinary relationship between his mental geographies (charted by developing ratios between his four, now five, dimensions) and the physical proximity of real countries. In other words, the countries in his dimensions tended to cluster in similar ways to how countries cluster geographically. Of course there are counter-intuitive examples (e.g., Germany), but in many of those cases, the data helps break cultural stereotypes widely held about those countries.Hofstede's original research focused on over 115,000 questionnaires provided to the worldwide employees of IBM. The premise behind using one company worldwide is that because the company is held constant, the data that can be examined for differences that can be attributed to country cultures. If IBM employees had been compared to, for example, government workers in different countries, organizational culture would have been implicated.More recent studies (for example Michael Hoppe's dissertation work) tend to revalidate the country positions on the dimensions, showing only slow shifts in the data over time.Over the years that I have used Hofstede's research in my practice, I have found it to be a touchstone by which people of all backgrounds can understand how culture influences business and other fields. I know that many, many other practitioners rely on his research approach as well.The book is a compendium of much of the substantive cross-cultural research of the past half-century; it is an essential reference for students, teachers, researchers, and practitioners alike.
Another excellent book that is simple, deep, and easy to read. I love this book that brings the best of every culture to conform geat organizations like the International Business Machines (IBM). I simply love it.
I'm using this book as a reference for my organizational leadership degree completion program. It is touted as the best of its kind in one of our textbooks, and I have found it useful as a factual source for research papers.
Great throretical model book that is still important today. Has scales that are still used and that are validated.
A classic that lives up to its reputation and is foundational to understanding organizational culture and values.
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